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2021.11.01 COMPAS_big.jpg


In COMPAS, Danish Research Center for Equality in Cancer, we will work to reduce the social inequality seen in Danish cancer patients. Cancer patients who have little education, low income or live alone do not have the same benefit from developments in early diagnosis and treatment as better-off cancer patients. We will try to change that.

In COMPAS we will work with six research themes:

1. What is at stake?

The patient and staff perspective 

2. Change practice – not the patient:

Changing clinical practice

3. Navigation in complex treatment:

Individual support for  frail patients

4. Against all odds:

Lifestyle interventions for patients at high risk of complications

5. Municipal rehabilitation and palliation:

Care and treatment for socially vulnerable patients

6. Prevention instead of repair:

Intensive training for the prevention of physical impairment

7. Treatment across:Need-based palliation in a cross-sectoral light

COMPAS is coordinated from Zealand University Hospital in Næstved, while the research, which is organized in 6 work packages by theme, comes from research institutions and hospitals throughout Denmark. The center is led by professor, senior physician Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton.

The researchers in COMPAS are a team of strong scientific experts representing anthropology, psychology, cancer treatment, rehabilitation, palliation, and epidemiology.

The COMPAS steering group consists of the leaders of each work package as well as the chief physician at the cancer department, Zealand University Hospital and the head of the CASTLE research center for late sequelae after cancer, Rigshospitalet. The steering group ensures a broad managerial, scientific and clinical anchoring of the center's activities in participating departments and institutions.

COMPAS is funded by the Cancer Society, with co-financing by Region Zealand, Aarhus University Hospital, the Cancer Society Research Center, REHPA, Bispebjerg Hospital and the National Institute for Public Health.

We have a scientific follow-up group consisting of international and national experts in cancer research, cancer treatment, organization of the healthcare system, general medicine, & vulnerable patients. There is also a cancer patient in the follow-up group.

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