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Largest Danish study of late sequelae in cancer survivors

In January 2022, a questionnaire was sent out to approx. 120,000 people in Denmark who have had cancer within the last 10 years. Their answers should help us understand what late effects cancer survivors experience, special risk factors, and whether there is social inequality in how the burden of late effects is distributed. The project is a collaboration between researchers from the Swedish Cancer Society, the Clinical Oncology Department at Zealand University Hospital and COMPAS, and is supported by the Swedish Cancer Society's Scientific Committee, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Health Foundation.

Lone Walk

Cancer on the fringes of society

In a new publication from COMPAS work package 1, Pia Vivian Pedersen and co-authors have investigated how people in difficult life circumstances, such as homelessness, drug use and loneliness, experience getting and having cancer. The article focuses on how social inequality in health manifests itself and is experienced by those who are affected by it.


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